Podcast Project 2023

Anna montano


Anna Montano was born in New York and raised in Massachusetts. Growing up in Somerville, she was surrounded by art of all forms in her diverse community. Being around groups of minorities that hustled to display their arts and personalities to the local and surrounding communities over the years pushed her to strive for dreams of being in the media arts and live music entertainment industry. She is an avid concert goer and throughout the years gained inspiration from her peers, community, and the immersive environments she has been in to start diving into the world of media arts. She has a media page on instagram under the handle @signsofsonder; that’s where she displays her admiration for live music, life, humans and art in all different forms. Joining the Loop Lab has opened up a world of learning and opportunities that most women and people of color don’t have access to. She can be reached at amontano@thelooplab.org

Man! I feel like a Woman! - Photography Essay 2023